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Testimonies of Healing

Among my earliest recollections...

From the December 1933 issue of The Christian Science Journal

Among my earliest recollections are discussions of religion among my parents and grandparents. It was but natural that in this openminded and inquiring atmosphere Christian Science should have early made its appearance. I was about twelve years old when a healing of a relative brought Christian Science to the attention of my family. Immediately the medicines and remedies for a family of four children were thrown out, and "Science and Health with Key to the Scriptures" took their place. The old family physician who had been a frequent visitor at our home became almost a stranger to us. During the thirty-six years since that time this little family and a second generation have grown to maturity, and Christian Science has never failed to meet the needs of all.

For some years I suffered from frequent colds and grippe, stomach trouble, and sick headaches. The last gradually disappeared through the study and application of Christian Science, but the colds seemed to be very tenacious. It was during the so-called influenza epidemic after the close of the world war that this old stubborn belief was finally conquered. Due to the absence of others from the office for long periods on account of this trouble, I had carried an unusually heavy load, and finally one Sunday I suddenly manifested all the symptoms of the prevailing epidemic. For some weeks before this time we were compelled by our company medical director to wear gauze face masks, to which I had strenuously objected. I felt therefore that I owed it to the Cause of Christian Science to prove that it was able to protect me from this fear. My wife and I spent the afternoon of that Sunday and the early hours of Monday, before time to leave for work, realizing the truth about man's God-given dominion over epidemics of mortal fear, and I went to work, although I seemed hardly able to walk to the electric train. I got through the day and Science work was continued that evening; and by Tuesday I was healed. My fear of colds and influenza was so completely broken by this experience that I have had little occasion to meet that error since.

One of my knees, which had received a serious blow some years before, was healed through the application of Christian Science, and what might have become a permanently stiff or lame joint became in a few months as strong and supple as the other.

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