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From the December 1933 issue of The Christian Science Journal

IN her practical and helpful article "Improve Your Time" (Miscellaneous Writings, p. 230), Mrs. Eddy emphasizes the importance of the right use of time. She says: "All successful individuals have become such by hard work; by improving moments before they pass into hours, and hours that other people may occupy in the pursuit of pleasure." For the success of the Christian Science student, nothing is more important than constantly, meekly, and gratefully to acknowledge that divine Love "owns each waiting hour" (ibid., p. 389; Poems, p. 4). Recognition of the activity and wisdom of good as ever present and ever operative, making every moment, every hour of the day, replete with welcome and glorious opportunities and possibilities, begets an attitude of confident expectation.

Fear, doubt, and ignorance are prolific sources of discord and trouble, as they are of uncertainty, limitation, and imperfection. How true it is that we as Christian Scientists should always see the harmony which alone is real, expressing and glorifying divine Love! Hence a great factor in the success of a day's work is the prayer through which fear, doubt, and uncertainty have at the outset been denied admittance to one's consciousness. Mentally to look forth through exalted vision and see God, good, filling every moment of the day, every part of one's environment, every circumstance and every opportunity connected therewith, is to go forth to meet and recognize the witnessing of God's goodness in many beautiful ways. Think of the difference in the mental attitude which is consciously and gratefully equipped with the realization of the omnipotence, wisdom, and love of God, and the material-mindedness which resists and resents the demand for right activity, expressed in love and gratitude for the blessings and opportunities of another day!

And does not Christian Science place these wonderful possibilities and opportunities of service and success within reach of every sincere student who is willing to go forth to his work, expectant of meeting and recognizing manifestations of infinite good? We can realize for ourselves and others that every hour of the day, every step of the way, is filled with good, with harmony, happiness, and success; and that nothing else, in reality, can be encountered or realized. Are we not all surrounded with a great "cloud of witnesses," and is not the vision necessary to see them dependent upon the quality of our own consciousness?

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