IN the midst of the present world turmoil, when clouds seem to darken many horizons — economic, social, racial, national, international — the question of deliverance is in the thoughts of many people. Who will the deliverer be? Who will arise to save the world from its alarming situation? In days of old, Moses led a distressed nation out of bondage, and in different periods there appeared prophets to point the way. In other ages, leaders have appeared with sufficient vision and courage to rescue the oppressed. Surely, then, in the present, with its unparalleled problems, it is right for men to look for and expect a savior.
To one questioner who was deeply troubled by the suffering imposed on innocent people today, and who was earnestly seeking illumination, there came the beautiful, serene words from one of Mrs. Eddy's hymns (Miscellaneous Writings, p. 399; Poems, p. 75):