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From the December 1933 issue of The Christian Science Journal

IN the business world today one hears more of service than formerly. Indeed, service is being more generally recognized as the keynote of prosperity. No one can consistently believe that his business will interest those in need of what he has to offer, unless he is willing to give good service and sell his merchandise at a fair figure. Here is evidence of cooperation based upon a mutual need, another essential, linked to service, and generally admitted to be necessary to success. Business men find it helpful, if not necessary, to confer for mutual benefit. Men of insight and progressive tendencies are learning not to fear competition, but to regard the work of others as contributing to and sharing in the general activity of good business. The custom of thinking in a restricted sense of patronage in business is gradually giving way to the thought of meeting the ever increasing needs of growing communities. New ideas are constantly being brought forward, not only to supply the demands of patrons, but to enlist an added interest in the beautiful as well as the useful, which tends to wholesome and legitimate development.

In order to insure safe expansion in business operations, and indeed in all human endeavor, an intelligent understanding of the source of all right activity is essential. Christian Science, based upon the Scriptural teaching of one God. and man made in His likeness, brings to light the nature of God as Mind, infinite intelligence, thus revealing man as the idea of divine Mind, the intelligent expression of God. The truth about God and man, as Father and son, Christ Jesus taught and demonstrated. His summary and commandment is well known to all Bible students: "Be ye therefore perfect, even as your Father which is in heaven is perfect." Such utterance could proceed only from one who understood God as the only Mind, the perfect Father and Mother of all. Hence it is no wonder that Jesus' works were perfect and his teachings pure and true; they form the basis of all right thought and action, according to Christian Science.

Mortal thinking does not include aught of what divine Mind creates and imparts, but is the product of mortal mind, which includes the belief in many minds, many gods, and does not acknowledge the one God, one Mind. Is it not logical to conclude that all right activity, all that is truly helpful and necessary in human endeavor and tends to the progress and betterment of mankind, must have its inception in the one Mind, God? Such is the conclusion which Mary Baker Eddy, the Discoverer and Founder of Christian Science, reached in her search of the Scriptures for the divine revelation of the Christ, Truth.

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