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From the December 1933 issue of The Christian Science Journal

THE human heart longs for friendship. Christian Science reveals the glorious fact that true friendship is present for all, in all times and in every place, through the understanding of the Christ, which Mrs. Eddy defines in part (Science and Health with Key to the Scriptures, p. 332) as "the true idea voicing good, the divine message from God to men speaking to the human consciousness." Not through emotional ecstasy, but by the prayerful study of the Bible in the light of Christian Science, each earnest seeker can so attune his thought to this "true idea voicing good" that he becomes conscious of the continuous guidance and protection of the Christ. He finds that thereby the most intimate needs of his heart are met. Moreover, as his own thought is enriched by "the love of Christ, which passeth knowledge," he finds abundant opportunity to give and receive true friendship in his human experiences.

Friendship which springs from the presence of the Christ in the heart is wise, discerning, tender, generous, calm, pure, and strong. It seeks only the highest good for others, and is manifested freely and fully without reference to personal advantage or mere personal fascination.

But in its illusive reversal of this true friendship, mortal mind puts forth its counterfeit, and seemingly endows it with attractiveness and charm. This counterfeit friendship is based on personal sense and seeks to gratify this sense in countless ways. It causes one to dwell constantly on the personal sense of another, and to desire continual personal association. Rather than lose the pleasure of companionship, it would rob a friend of the freedom to progress. Finally it dies of its own excess. "And wherefore our failure longer to relish this fleeting sense, with its delicious forms of friendship, wherewith mortals become educated to gratification in personal pleasure and trained in treacherous peace?" asks our Leader in her article entitled "Love Your Enemies" (Miscellaneous Writings, p. 9); and she answers at once, "Because it is the great and only danger in the path that winds upward."

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