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From the December 1933 issue of The Christian Science Journal

On mountain summit shines a beacon light,
A star upon the dusky brow of night;
And when the darkness binds with econ veil
Night's tresses, and the mount grows dimly pale,
Powdered with mist, until its outline fades,
Enveloped in the pall of midnight shades,
Still glows the beacon, shedding benisons
Of kindly light upon earth's denizens;
In calm or tempest steadfast is its glow,
Saying to those who gaze: Take heart and know
Though veiled from sight the mountain still is near.
Behold, my light upon its brow shines clear!

So through our doubt and darkness may there shine
The star of inspiration, light benign;
Guiding to mount of revelation, whence
Man may envision God's omnipotence.
Though earth mists rise and sin doth spread its pall,
Seeming to veil the truth that God is All,
Though night-born storms the mountain may obscure —
Yet may our hearts rejoice, our faith endure,
Knowing our beacon steadfastly will beam,
Piercing the dark with inspiration's gleam,
Saying to those who trust, Be of good cheer,
God is revealed to man; the mount is here!

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