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Testimonies of Healing

Christian Science has saved me,...

From the December 1933 issue of The Christian Science Journal

Christian Science has saved me, as well as my family, from all kinds of sickness for more than twenty years. Before Christian Science came to me my parents and I were believers in paganism, the worship of many spirits. Besides being a pagan, I had been a slave to strong tobacco and liquor from childhood. These evils did not all yield immediately, but they disappeared one by one as a result of my constant reading of "Science and Health with Key to the Scriptures" by Mary Baker Eddy, and application of the little understanding of Christian Science which I gained from it.

I am now a happy man with a happy wife and seven healthy children, all of whom were born without any medical aid. They have not been given a drop of medicine. Our only medicine is Christian Science, which has led us through many difficulties and troubles. When our first boy was born, out in an isolated locality, many of our neighbors in the community thought that the child would not live because the birth was premature; but he was taken care of by Christian Science treatment. Now he is a strong, healthy boy, leading his three little brothers every day to school.

Many blessings received by my family cannot be enumerated in this testimony, but we are grateful to our beloved Leader for all of them. I have just given a few which I hope may help others to know what Christian Science is doing on this side of the world. Had it not been for Christian Science, which was presented to me by my uncle, I should today still be an illiterate man and a pagan. It was my earnest desire to read English and learn about Christian Science that led me to go to school with no aid from my parents, who, like many other people in these islands, did not believe in educating their children.

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