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Testimonies of Healing

For some time I have felt the urge...

From the December 1933 issue of The Christian Science Journal

For some time I have felt the urge to express my gratitude for all the blessings Christian Science has bestowed upon me during the past eleven years and to do it in such a way that it may reach out and bless others. In 1922 my mother was healed of a severe case of quinsy, a complaint which had caused her much suffering every winter for years. Doctors had told her that there was nothing they could do for her throat, and each winter the attacks were more severe. She was completely healed within three days; but I did not give Christian Science credit for the quick recovery. I attributed it to the change in weather, although she had never recovered so quickly before under any weather conditions.

However, I was curious enough to borrow my father's copy of "Science and Health with Key to the Scriptures" by Mary Baker Eddy and read the first chapter. I became seriously interested in the study of Christian Science a short time later when a severe case of tonsillitis was quickly overcome while I was listening to my father read from Science and Health. Each time he read to me I fell asleep, but when I awoke I felt better, and the reading continued until the symptoms were entirely gone; and I had not missed a single meal. This opened my eyes, and I gave God the full credit for this healing.

One Sunday morning, after attending the Christian Science Sunday School for several weeks, I burned both of my hands and arms when dropping some fritters into bubbling lard. I left the kitchen and took my books into another room, where I read until it was time to go to Sunday school. I put nothing on the burns, although they were extremely painful and looked very bad. Before Sunday school was over the pain left, and that afternoon I forgot all about the burns until some friends noticed my hands, and voiced the opinion that such scars would never leave me; but I knew that if God could heal the pain He could certainly take care of the scars, and in a few weeks they were entirely gone.

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