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Testimonies of Healing

I should like to express my sincere...

From the December 1933 issue of The Christian Science Journal

I should like to express my sincere gratitude for Christian Science by relating a healing which I experienced. When a youth I was in an accident in which I lost part of one limb. This limb caused me great pain for many years. I tried every known medical treatment but obtained no relief; instead, as I grew older the pain became more severe. Finally I was prevailed upon to try Christian Science. I am happy to say that I received an instantaneous healing during the first and only treatment I had for this trouble. The healing took place over fourteen years ago and the trouble has never returned.

I was also healed of a severe case of summer influenza in one treatment I am indeed grateful to the practitioner who kindly helped and guided me, and to Mary Baker Eddy, who discovered and gave this Science to mankind. —

I am happy to verify my husband's testimony. I was healed of a very severe case of neuritis in one treatment. I wish to express my gratitude for the good that Christian Science has brought to us. — 

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