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Testimonies of Healing

Many and varied have been the...

From the December 1933 issue of The Christian Science Journal

Many and varied have been the benefits I have received from the study and application of Christian Science during the past quarter of a century. We were a sickly family and much of my early life was spent in suffering and seeing others suffer. To please a sister who was very beautifully healed by Christian Science treatment, I began reading our textbook. Although I read in a halfhearted way, it was but a few weeks before I was conscious that a number of ailments, some of which had bothered me for years, were no longer troubling me, such as neuralgia, sick headaches, catarrh, troublesome throat (an after effect of diphtheria), bowel trouble, and internal pain. These healings were permanent. Later I was healed of smallpox. Glasses have been laid aside and painless childbirth has been experienced. Protection in an automobile collision was most pronounced, protection in times of storm has been a source of great peace, and supply has been demonstrated. Also, fears of man-made laws of heredity have been overcome, as I have learned that "in Science man is the offspring of Spirit" (Science and Health, p. 63). My father and mother having passed on with so-called incurable diseases, this statement has been a great help to me.

Soon after we came into this state to reside, a furious storm raged in our little city. During the downpour of rain and terrific wind I sought to quiet my fears by reading a printed lecture on Christian Science sent to me by my sister. I was alone in the house with our baby. As I arose from reading to cover the sleeping child, I saw our barn, a partly two-story, long structure, being blown away, not just demolished but taken completely away; and to my knowledge no parts to speak of were ever seen afterward. With but little other damage the fury lifted. I was new in Science at that time, but I was able to lay hold of the omnipotence of Mind by a Bible reference often repeated in the lecture, "I can of mine own self do nothing." Although my gratitude had been very great for freedom from physical pain and inability, it was this experience which awakened me to a real desire to know more of the almighty power which for me had brought the "Peace, be still" to such an angry element. I began a more earnest study of our Leader's writings.

When our eldest son was about five months of age, more than half of his body was scalded with boiling water. After about ten minutes the child was asleep in my arms. I held him for about twenty minutes more, declaring most earnestly the truth as I had grasped it from my short study of Christian Science. To my surprise the child still slept. I laid him in his cart and he slept a normal nap time. When he wakened he took his food as usual. No further pain or trouble was experienced. Sincere and deep gratitude still fills my thought for this healing.

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