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Testimonies of Healing

[Original testimony in German]

When I found Christian Science I...

From the December 1933 issue of The Christian Science Journal

When I found Christian Science I had been through long years of illness. Even as a child I suffered from an intestinal disease for which I had continuous medical treatment. Although my parents made every sacrifice, and I spent much time in sanatoriums and clinics, this complaint steadily grew worse, so that at the age of twenty-four I submitted to a severe operation. Yet even that did not bring recovery; and after my marriage, which led me to Russia, I was ill most of the time. My husband too made many loving sacrifices for me and did everything that the attending physicians, among whom were authorities of the first rank, considered necessary for my recovery. Thus once more I was under medical care and was a frequent guest in sanatoriums.

After my husband passed on, my children called me back to my German home, where I have since been living. Here too I spent several years in sickness, until one day a fervent young beginner in Christian Science who had found me in a very miserable state drew my attention to this Science. Her firm conviction caused me to ask for the help of a practitioner. Within a very short time there was a decided change in my condition. It gradually became clear to me that it was not my body but my mentality that needed healing; for thought that rests on the good and the true must bring healing. I read much in the Bible and in the Christian Science textbook, also in Der Herold, and I have never discontinued this deep study.

During the intervening years I have happily overcome many minor ailments with the help of a practitioner who had to have much patience with me, and for her patience I am indeed grateful. It was also a great help to me that I was able to join a religious group, for Christian Science has brought me the truth which I had long sought. The intestinal trouble which distressed me for so many years has long since completely disappeared, and I feel younger than I did fifteen years ago.

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