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From the February 1933 issue of The Christian Science Journal

IN the first chapter of Genesis is the following sentence, conveying a profound spiritual truth: "God created man in his own image, in the image of God created he him." Before the discovery of Christian Science these words were accepted in a way more or less vague by Christians who recognized in humanity much that was worthy, but who at the same time were cognizant of a great deal that was unworthy, sinful, unlike God. Because of this, the meaning of the words was obscure to them; the profound meaning they contained was but imperfectly apprehended.

With clear spiritual vision Mrs. Eddy not only discerned the truth contained in the words, but made their meaning entirely plain. She understood God to be infinite Spirit or Mind and man to be the manifestation of Mind; and she perceived that, as the manifestation of Mind, man must be God's image or reflection. In her writings Mrs. Eddy often refers to man as the reflection of God. undoubtedly because the word "reflection" serves in a convincing way to convey to the reader the nature of man. She makes it clear that man, our real spiritual selfhood, is the image or reflection of God. On page 516 of "Science and Health with Key to the Scriptures" she writes, "As the reflection of yourself appears in the mirror, so you, being spiritual, are the reflection of God."

What is the nature of an image or reflection? Suppose one to be standing before a mirror, what will he see? His reflection in the mirror; and in all respects the reflection will be like himself. Further, every action he may make, even the slightest, will be repeated by his reflection. This illustration may be applied to the relationship existing between God and man, for divine Science shows that even as one's image in a mirror is an exact reproduction of one's self, so man, the real spiritual man, is the perfect representation of God. Truly the real man is Godlike, since in every detail of his being he reflects his creator!

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