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From the February 1933 issue of The Christian Science Journal

"O ye of little faith,"
Why dost thou doubt
That He who makes the sun and moon to shine,
Who makes the bud to blossom in the spring,
Provides supply for every need of thine?

The great all-knowing Mind
That guides the bird
When far from home to find her nest again,
Whose law controls the universe of stars,
Is not unmindful of the needs of men.

"O ye of little faith,"
Why dost thou doubt?
God governs all. His laws unchanging are.
Oh, think not that His love could e'er forget—
Ye are more precious than the bird or star.

"O ye of little faith,"
Canst thou not trust?
The eye that sees the sparrow in its fall,
The "Love that guards the nestling's faltering flight,"*Is caring still for thee and thine and all.

* Miscellaneous Writings, page 389; Poems, page 4, by Mary Baker Eddy.

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