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Testimonies of Healing

Twenty-one years ago, when...

From the February 1933 issue of The Christian Science Journal

Twenty-one years ago, when the future seemed dark indeed, I received a letter from a friend in Canada containing the valued message of Christian Science. In this letter the friend told of her sister's healing of consumption through the application of Christian Science alone, and asked me to try it. I said immediately that if Christian Science had accomplished this healing it would surely help me and I wanted to know something about it. Then I turned to it as a last resort. I had never seen Science and Health or the periodicals, so I telephoned to a church in New York City for a list of practitioners living near my home and called one of them.

I was suffering from heart trouble accompanied by nervous exhaustion, complete breakdown, and weakness. I was using sleeping powders, and had been given up by three prominent physicians. The practitioner came to my home and very patiently explained to me the great truths of Christian Science. In two weeks' time I was so much relieved and so much stronger that I went out, traveled on a train, and walked up a steep hill to her home. Previous to this I had not left my home or walked for the greater part of a year. Three weeks later I attended my first lecture on Christian Science in Carnegie Hall, New York City, and walked to the top of the building, there being no vacant seats on the lower floors. Again, the healing power of the Christ, Truth, was proved. A member of my family accompanied me to this lecture and through her eagerness to learn more of the truth her eyes were instantaneously healed. She had worn glasses for over thirty years.

Immediately after this healing I was called to an active career in the New York business world, taking up and demonstrating through Christian Science new lines of interesting work never before attempted. This was an added proof of the efficacy of Christian Science, as formerly I was unable to hold a position in business for more than six months due to exhaustion and nervous condition. Since then I have seldom been away from business.

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