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Testimonies of Healing

I wish to express the sincere grati...

From the March 1933 issue of The Christian Science Journal

I wish to express the sincere gratitude I feel for Christian Science, which means everything to me. I find it very practical and satisfying when correctly applied, although I did not turn to it for healing. In fact, the first church meeting I attended I was looking for a very dear friend whom I felt sure I could find there as I knew her to be a very loyal church member. I found there more than a friend, for I found the God in whom the Scriptures say "we live, and move, and have our being." What a wonderful privilege for all mankind!

I loved Christian Science from the first words I ever heard of it, but I was rather slow about seeing its wonderful healing qualities; consequently I submitted to an operation for fistula, which to me seemed necessary. After the operation I asked the doctor if that would be the last of the trouble, and his answer was, "Let us hope so." It was not the end of the trouble; for about two years later it reappeared. At that time I was prepared, for I had learned more about Christian Science. I immediately called a practitioner and the healing was accomplished in a very few minutes without suffering. That was about twenty years ago, and there has not been a return of the trouble.

I have seen many healings of friends and relatives, for which I am very grateful. I am also grateful for membership in The Mother Church and in a branch church, and for class instruction.

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