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Testimonies of Healing

In the year 1926 an acquaintance...

From the March 1933 issue of The Christian Science Journal

[Original testimony in German]

In the year 1926 an acquaintance told me that a relative of hers had been healed of a severe malady through Christian Science. To me this seemed incomprehensible and miraculous, for I had never before heard of this Science. Soon afterwards my acquaintance bought the textbook, "Science and Health with Key to the Scriptures" by Mary Baker Eddy. Even though at that time I suffered from severe nervousness, insomnia, and heart trouble, I took no interest in Christian Science. When my suffering, particularly sleeplessness, grew more agonizing, so that I felt very miserable, I submitted to a medical examination. The physician diagnosed the trouble as chronic mitral disease and weak nerves. Because of this disease I was told to be very careful of myself, do no work, live very quietly, and never excite myself, so as not to aggravate the trouble. The doctor also prescribed sleeping powders and medicines; and in addition I was to go on a diet.

Soon after that I was plunged into great fear and anxiety because of the serious illness of one dear to me, and I thought no more about myself and my own sickness. Filled with a sincere desire to help the one I loved, I delved into the Christian Science textbook to find out what Christian Science is. As I read the first chapter, on Prayer, its pure, beautiful thoughts so captivated me that I could not stop reading. As I became more absorbed I began to respond to the operation of the truth without my realizing it. I took no more medicine and worked from morning till night.

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