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Testimonies of Healing

It is with great gratitude that I...

From the March 1933 issue of The Christian Science Journal

It is with great gratitude that I give this testimony as to what Christian Science has done for me. When I turned to Science, about three and a half years ago, it was on the recommendation of an old friend, in whom Christian Science had made a wonderful change.

Looking back at that time over the years that had passed, during which I had suffered much from rheumatism and neuritis, with only partial use of one arm, I concluded that what was good for my friend might also be good for me. So after discussing the matter with my husband, who at that time was in very bad health, we decided to see what Science could do for us both. We have not been disappointed, although at the time of our decision we knew nothing about Christian Science except the name. Our progress, though not spectacular, has been steady, and is continuing. The rheumatism disappeared slowly; and one day while I was doing some work in the kitchen the neuritis also vanished, and I suddenly found I could use both arms alike.

The reappearance of an old trouble, toxæmia, which kept me in the house for months, owing to my inability to get one shoe on, has been dealt with in the same way. Today I can say and feel that I am free, and prayer, praise, and thanksgiving are daily given many times for all our great blessings. I could not complete this testimony without reference to the loving help we have received from a practitioner whose work and instructions have been a wonderful help to us.—

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