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Testimonies of Healing

Many years ago my mother was...

From the March 1933 issue of The Christian Science Journal

Many years ago my mother was literally snatched from the grave, when she was healed of cancer through Christian Science. Five physicians had said she could not live without an operation. Greatly fearing an operation, as a sister had passed on three years before under similar circumstances, she refused to submit, and in desperation began reading "Science and Health with Key to the Scriptures" by Mary Baker Eddy, which a neighbor kindly brought to her. After reading this textbook a week she found herself completely healed of cancer and heart disease. This healing has been permanent, and she has been a useful, active Christian Scientist for the past twenty-eight years. Because of this healing our whole family became interested in Christian Science, and we have had many beautiful healings.

Years ago, desiring to obtain a higher teacher's certificate, I decided to attend a six weeks' summer normal class. The superintendent of the schools and the principal under whom I was then teaching said it would be impossible to accomplish in six weeks what many took two years to do. Knowing that God is Mind, and that I reflected the divine intelligence, I took the course, clinging steadfastly to my slight knowledge of God and of man as His image and likeness. When the time for examinations came, before looking at the questions I declared the truth about the situation, knowing that I knew all I needed to know. And God gave me the inspiration and I was directed in my writing so that I passed with the highest grades in a large class, only because I trusted God absolutely.

When our twin daughters were born ten years ago I had a very harmonious experience and proved in a marked degree the fallacy of the statement, "In sorrow thou shalt bring forth children." Our little girls have never had anything but Christian Science help, and have been quickly healed of burns, measles, mumps, whooping cough, chicken pox, in most instances without their knowing that they had the disease. When they were about six months old one baby got a can of talcum powder which inadvertently had been left open beside her on the bed. She sucked this open can until her throat was filled with powder. When I walked into the room she was almost strangled. I called to my mother, being almost paralyzed with fear myself. Mother took the baby in her arms, declaring the truth; and I went into another room, knowing that I must overcome my fear if the baby was to be helped, as "the law of mortal mind" and a mother's "own fears govern her child more than the child's mind governs itself, and they produce the very results which might have been prevented through the opposite understanding" (Science and Health, p. 154). In a few moments the baby was breathing normally and was perfectly harmonious.

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