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Testimonies of Healing

Previous to the summer of 1925...

From the March 1933 issue of The Christian Science Journal

Previous to the summer of 1925 I was a continuous sufferer with what prominent physicians diagnosed as stomach trouble. I would fall unconscious in my home or on the street, and many times I was brought home by the police; and again many times I was pronounced dead by neighbors and friends. The doctor told me that I ate too much, but I did not agree with him. Not being satisfied with his diagnosis, in the summer of 1925 I consulted a specialist, who after a thorough examination reluctantly informed me that my stomach was in perfect condition, but that I was suffering from enlargement of the arteries of the heart, and that I could not possibly live more than twelve months.

My wife, who was a constant attendant at a Christian Science church, begged me to try Christian Science. It being what I considered my last recourse, I consented to do so. A practitioner was called in, and through her explanations and loving care I slowly recovered. The lapses into unconsciousness left me; and today, after over six years of healthful, pleasant living, I can, with a sense of thankfulness and praise, add my testimony to that of thousands of others that God through Christian Science raised me from almost certain death.

I cannot adequately express my thankfulness for the teachings of our revered Leader, Mary Baker Eddy. Many times I have applied these teachings in my private life and in my business, and invariably God has shown me the true course to follow. I have had many wonderful demonstrations of the power of God through Christian Science.—

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