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Testimonies of Healing

I wish to express my gratitude for...

From the July 1936 issue of The Christian Science Journal

I wish to express my gratitude for Christian Science and for what it has done for me in the past eighteen years. I came into Science at the age of seventeen, after talking with a lady who had been healed of a broken hip without medical aid. I was much impressed, for always as a child I had been very religious; but I did not seem to find any religion that quite satisfied me until I read Science and Health by Mrs. Eddy, which was given to me by this kind lady.

At sixteen I had been told that I could live only from three to six months at the most, because of a condition they called leakage of the heart. I was in theatrical work— dancing and dramatics—and I was also told that I could never dance or work again, as the excitement would be fatal. However, shortly after I became interested in Science, the condition left without any apparent effort on my part and has never returned. Later I was examined by a physician for insurance and told that my heart was one hundred per cent normal. I cannot express in words my gratitude for this healing. Needless to say, I went on with my work and am still in it, which proves that these material laws which are laid down for us have no foundation, if we refuse to believe them and trust in God as our only help.

While appearing in a production, I was called upon to sing a number. I had a cold and seemingly lost my voice. I did my mental work, but so much fear was manifested around me that I had to call a practitioner. She gave me a treatment, but as I stepped out to sing I still could not speak above a whisper; however, I knew the truth and as they played my music I sang more clearly than ever, thus proving once again to myself and everyone there that nothing is impossible to God. I am more than grateful.

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