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Testimonies of Healing

Several years ago, when apparently...

From the July 1936 issue of The Christian Science Journal

Several years ago, when apparently well and strong, I suddenly became an invalid, suffering frequent fainting spells and extreme nervousness. After many kind physicians, in various cities, had tried medicines, rest cure, baths, diet, electricity, osteopathy, and finally an exploratory operation, the illness continued. But through all these experiences I did not lose hope, for often I seemed to hear a voice saying, ''When thou passest through the waters, I will be with thee," and I felt that somewhere there was healing for me.

After seven years of illness, I heard of the healing of a friend who had turned to Christian Science as a last resort. At once I ordered a copy of "Science and Health with Key to the Scriptures" by Mary Baker Eddy, and prayed earnestly that if the little book contained the truth, I should be led to see it. I opened it at page 249, and the first words I read were, "Let us accept Science," so I had my answer. I resolved to read it through, and accept what I could understand. When I reached page 137 and read the words, "Love hath shown thee the way of Life!" I knew I had found that for which I was seeking.

My healings, in addition to that of invalidism, have been many, one of the first being an instantaneous healing of influenza. Through the realization that there are no accidents in divine Mind, I have been healed of a severely sprained ankle, torn ligaments in a knee and in a shoulder, burns, wasp stings, and a hand badly crushed in an automobile door.

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