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From the July 1936 issue of The Christian Science Journal

Bowed by harsh labor and the body's pain,
Or rendered cruel by the lust of gain;
In mortal fear of death, yet seeking birth;
In wanton profligacy, yet in dearth;
Digging his grave where others' bones have been—
Oh! tell us, Wisdom, with the brow serene,
Can this be man?
Ah, no! Can you not see? The veil is riven,
Can you not glimpse the afterglow of heaven?
The Adam-dream dissolves and fades away
In the effulgence of eternal day.
Sloughing the counterfeit, behold man rise,
Radiant and splendid and with shining eyes,
The son of God!
This is the vision of reality,
That was and is and evermore shall be.
Eternal right forever cancels wrong.
So Jesus saw and gave the dumb a song;
The blind beheld the light, the lame leaped free,
The dead arose and, on the troubled sea,
The storm was stilled.
And, in our day, when yearning love is stirred,
The voice of omnipresent Christ is heard:
Fishers of men, Love calls you, follow me!
Forsake the welter of the earth-dream wild,
Come out and demonstrate God's perfect child,
Immortal man!

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