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From the July 1936 issue of The Christian Science Journal

On page 485 of "Science and Health with Key to the Scriptures" our revered Leader, Mary Baker Eddy, writes: "Emerge gently from matter into Spirit. Think not to thwart the spiritual ultimate of all things, but come naturally into Spirit through better health and morals and as the result of spiritual growth."

How often the suggestion presents itself to the Christian that he is not making any progress! Perhaps error's claim to reality and power in one form or another seems to be pressing upon him persistently, apparently not yielding to his earnest efforts to overcome it. In such a situation there may arise the temptation to become discouraged and fearful, or to doubt his ability to prove the power of Truth to meet his need. At such a time it is most helpful to lay aside all sense of a personal problem, to contemplate the larger view, and to open one's thought to the unselfed consideration of "the deep things of God."

In a wide sense it may be said that we have but one problem—the demonstration of spiritual living, the demonstration of man's real being as the beloved son of God. This demonstration begins at the moment we commence earnestly to study and practice the truth as we are taught it in Christian Science. Just as one cannot solve problems in algebra or trigonometry before he has mastered the simpler arithmetical problems of addition, subtraction, multiplication, and division, so in daily living one cannot demonstrate the whole of the Science of Life at the beginning of his study. In fact no Christian Scientist on the earth today has demonstrated more than a fraction of the profound truths contained in our textbook, Science and Health, or our Leader's other writings. The kingdom of heaven cannot be taken by storming the gates. We can enter only through spiritual ascension, as we rise above the false beliefs of the flesh through spiritualization of consciousness, true vision, and inspiration, whereby the false mortal sense is dropped for the immortal idea.

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