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Testimonies of Healing

Before taking up the study of...

From the March 1937 issue of The Christian Science Journal

Before taking up the study of Christian Science, I was in bondage in many ways to material sense, having had the drinking habit for about forty years. This habit was so firmly established that I believed I could not get along without drinking. I had never believed in any religion, and the fear of death haunted me continually. I also had a very serious physical difficulty, from which the doctors could offer me no relief. A kind friend saw me in this bondage and often talked of Christian Science to me, but at first I was reluctant to listen; however, I appreciated his kindness and love, and after some time the seed he had sown began to take root.

After I had started the study of "Science and Health with Key to the Scriptures" by Mary Baker Eddy, a great change took place in my consciousness, and I began to see myself as I really was, a child of God. The liquor habit did not yield at once, but there was a gradual change, and after I had been studying for about a year and had been grateful for this beautiful religion, the healing came, and with it the healing of the desire to smoke.

I am grateful for the demonstration of supply during the time of the so-called depression. I have not experienced any sense of lack, as I have known that my supply is from God.

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