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From the March 1937 issue of The Christian Science Journal

Almost without exception men continually search for something they do not seem to have—health, success, liberty, peace, or supply. Some anxiously turn from one hope to another, and how often they labor in vain, because through lack of spiritual understanding their desires are selfish and inferior, and they do not travel the way Truth points out. Divine Love leads the way to all good, and infinite good is here and now within the reach of all who follow the example of the Master, all who walk in the light of Spirit so far as they comprehend it.

Throughout the teachings of Christian Science the rules for its demonstration are clearly set forth. It is not difficult to ascertain these rules or to understand them. In essence they may be found in the Ten Commandments and the Master's Sermon on the Mount. The Bible, the chart of life, points to the emancipating law of Spirit. It is through our understanding of spiritual law and our obedience thereto that Christian Science healings are achieved, that we enjoy the better things of life, that we lay off earth weights and rise higher spiritually. We would not expect to solve a mathematical problem without precisely following the rules of mathematics. Neither would we expect to receive dividends without first making our investment. John wrote in his first epistle, "Whatsoever we ask, we receive of him, because we keep his commandments, and do those things that are pleasing in his sight."

Christian Science bids us follow the Master's example in all we think and do. And who would not wish to do so? Who would not wish to prove his power and dominion over that which is not good, as did Jesus? To prove our mastery over evil, disease, discord, and lack, we need not only to understand but also to put into practice the precepts of Principle. Our beloved Leader, Mary Baker Eddy, wrote (Miscellaneous Writings, p. 270): "We cannot depart from his holy example,—we cannot leave Christ for the schools which crucify him, and yet follow him in healing. Fidelity to his precepts and practice is the only passport to his power."

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