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From the March 1937 issue of The Christian Science Journal

Spiritual awareness, or an awareness or consciousness of the things of Spirit, is the goal of every sincere seeker after Truth. It brings heaven, bliss, harmony into human experience in its glorious adventure from sense to Soul.

Christian Science promises much, and its promises are fulfilled as its teachings are faithfully applied. Spiritual awareness promises peace, serenity, security, spiritual power, poise, and plenty to the weary wanderer lost in the maze of matter beliefs and mortal mind illusions. Indeed, its promises have inspired many a weary one and brought him safely home to the Father's mansion, wherein is spread a feast that is as satisfying as worldly feasts have proved unsatisfying.

The spiritual awareness of love, kindness, goodness, health, happiness, wisdom, intelligence, and other qualities of Spirit enriches human experience with the only true wealth —wealth that is substantial, permanent, and enduring. Sickness, sin, and discord are the result of the belief of life in matter, or material sense—belief which is fostered by tradition, custom, fashion, and false education. As false beliefs are laid aside for the reality—life in God— health, goodness, and harmony are found to be divinely natural.

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