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From the March 1937 issue of The Christian Science Journal

"Consolation and peace are based on the enlightened sense of God's government." This scientific fact stated by Mrs. Eddy in "The First Church of Christ, Scientist, and Miscellany" (p. 283) is demonstrable. Peace is not subordinate to nationality, epoch, human nature, or events; it is the everlasting token of Spirit and its infinite government. Times without number this has been proved in individual cases. And peace through the universal recognition of God's government is destined to be proved in behalf of humanity as a whole.

A striking instance of peace maintained in an unideal environment is found in the book of Daniel. There we read that although ravening lions surrounded him all through the night, and he had no physical means of escape, Daniel, governed by God, was at peace, and he was also safe. The king, on the other hand, although out of danger in his palace, was far from peaceful because of his attempted misgovernment of a faithful worshiper of God.

Should the student of Christian Science seem besieged with preying temptations, he too can experience peace and safety, provided all his thoughts and feelings are brought under the government of divine Love. Paul says, "Let the peace of God rule in your hearts." In other words, obey the perfect ruling of divine Mind. Whoever does this is blessed with unshaken confidence in the triumph of right.

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