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Testimonies of Healing

With sincere appreciation of the...

From the March 1937 issue of The Christian Science Journal

With sincere appreciation of the teachings of Christian Science and their healing message I wish to offer this belated testimony.

My parents became interested in Christian Science in 1902, at which time my father was literally raised from the dead after he had been bedfast for five months and the physicians in our home town and a neighboring city had said he was dying. His relatives were at his bedside waiting for the end when a friend came and asked my mother if she had tried Christian Science. As a drowning man grasps for a straw she sent this friend for a practitioner, and instead of a straw this Science proved to be a rock of salvation. In two weeks my father was walking, and in a short time was leading a normal, active life, and lived eighteen years after this healing; although the medical diagnosis had been that his kidneys had entirely sloughed away. This healing was considered a miracle by his friends and relatives.

I was a baby at this time, and my only recollections, when in need of help, are of the tender ministrations of Christian Science. Several healings during childhood stand out, healings of a severe case of ptomaine poisoning, a sprained ankle, and an instantaneous healing of typhoid fever, when my mother and I were on a vacation trip. Many of the so-called children's diseases were quickly overcome, and I had an instantaneous healing of ten warts on one finger; they disappeared overnight.

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