About six years ago, a student of Christian Science, whom I had known for some time, told me of a healing experienced by a member of his family through absent treatment. I did not know anything about Christian Science at the time, and could not understand how a healing could possibly be accomplished in this manner, but somehow I knew that what I had been told was true.
For two years previous to this, I had been seeking a cure for stomach trouble. Several methods had been tried, but no benefits received. A few days after talking with the man mentioned, I visited a Christian Science practitioner, and during this visit I became thoroughly convinced that I had found a practical, demonstrable religion, something which I thought could never be found. I asked for treatment for the physical ailment, and on the second day I was completely and permanently healed.
For several years I had been a slave to the gambling and liquor habits, also to the use of profanity. I did not mention this to the practitioner, as I did not think of it at the time of my visit. A few days later I discovered that I had been freed from these baneful habits. This was reason for much joy, because indulgence in gambling and drinking had caused me much mental anguish.