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Testimonies of Healing

I did not come into Christian Science...

From the December 1938 issue of The Christian Science Journal

I did not come into Christian Science for physical healing, although I was greatly in need of it, for I had what the doctor pronounced to be consumption in its last stages. I also suffered very much from the effects of goiter, and did not know what it was to be without a dull headache.

I was a member of an orthodox church, had been brought up in a religious family where the Bible was read daily, and had loved Bible study since childhood. I pondered much the teachings of Christ Jesus and his healing mission, and wondered why healings were not accomplished in our day, for I did not see from the standpoint of the Bible why they should have ceased. I also read the book of Revelation a great deal, and wondered about the "little book" which is mentioned therein. We had debated on the subject of the "little book," but had found no answer to our queries.

Our pastor tried to answer my questions as to physical healing by telling me that that dispensation had passed. But it did not satisfy me. Later he preached a sermon very much against Christian Science, its Leader, Mrs. Eddy, and her textbook, Science and Health. His criticism was such that I thought the book must be awful; but I reasoned that it would be all right for me to read it, since he had read it with no apparent had effects. Moreover, since I was expected to pass on in the near future, the "works of the devil" might be investigated to advantage, for I might learn how to flee them.

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