My gratitude for the light which the study of Christian Science has brought to me is deep. My life has truly been transformed through the study of this Science, which was brought to me seven years ago when I was in great need of healing. I had been sick for the greater part of my life and was regarded as being very frail. There had been long and critical illnesses, major and minor operations, and over a period of fifteen years attacks of asthma in the most aggravated form. Several doctors made all tests and gave all treatments known to them for the cure of this last ailment, but to no effect. In my dire need for relief from the acute suffering of these attacks, hypodermic injections were administered. The frequency with which these injections were required made it necessary that I administer them to myself. Such a condition beggars expression. Besides the physical suffering in sickness, the distressing state of mind seemed agonizing. Christian Science healed this terrible state, so that I am now entirely free from all such troubles. There has been not the slightest return or relapse, and I have been completely well for the last six years.
I rejoice in an ever-increasing realization of man's true state—the perfection of a child of God. My healing came through study and faithful application of the truths contained in our textbook, Science and Health by Mrs. Eddy, and the help and counsel of loving practitioners. As I studied, the truth revealed in our textbook was never questioned in my thought. It appealed to my reason so strongly that I knew it was the truth, regardless of the counter seeming. My study was so engrossing, and my healing came so naturally, that it was as if I were truly transformed.
As my concept and understanding of God and His creation were changed, the effect was naturally and necessarily manifested in my human life. This transformation has touched every phase of my experience, and is a glorious proof of Mrs. Eddy's words in Science and Health (p. 272), "It is the spiritualization of thought and Christianization of daily life, in contrast with the results of the ghastly farce of material existence; it is chastity and purity, in contrast with the downward tendencies and earthward gravitation of sensualism and impurity, which really attest the divine origin and operation of Christian Science."