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From the May 1938 issue of The Christian Science Journal

Invitations of many kinds to various feasts and activities are often extended to us for our pleasure. Also, mountains, hills, streams, countrysides, and other scenes and places silently beckon us to come and partake of their grandeur and beauty. Our acceptance often results in a sense of gladness and satisfaction— often fleeting, sometimes lasting. Nevertheless, each such experience is but a visit with an inevitable ending.

The most profound invitation, which transcends all others combined, and which is never withdrawn, is that found in the Scriptures—to come and partake of the glories of ever-refreshing spiritual truth. Jesus said, "Come unto me, all ye that labour and are heavy laden, and I will give you rest." To come to the Christ, Truth, which he so abundantly manifested through his teachings and demonstrations, and which he said would be ever available, is not merely to visit, but actually to find that truth in which one will never be disappointed, that which has no ending, and which brings ever-increasing inspiration and satisfaction in its continuous and progressive unfoldment.

To accept the invitation of the "still small voice" of Truth leads one into the conscious beauty of holiness, spiritual strength, dominion, and peace that the world cannot give.

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