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From the May 1938 issue of The Christian Science Journal

The ushers in Churches of Christ, Scientist, act as representatives of the members of the church, in welcoming the people and making them feel at home and comfortable while attending the services. Metaphysical work to make the services more fruitful, however, is not an obligation of the ushers only, but of the entire membership.

Inspiration will be found in the letter addressed to our beloved Leader, Mary Baker Eddy, by the ushers of The Mother Church, on page 352 of "The First Church of Christ, Scientist, and Miscellany," in which they acknowledge their gratitude for her "life of spirituality," and express their desire to reflect the teachings of Christian Science in their daily living. In reply Mrs. Eddy thanked them, not only for their letter, "but for ushering into our church the hearers and the doers of God's Word."

Hearers become doers as they grow in appreciation of the sacred privilege granted them in becoming members, and devoting time and energy to any church work to which they may be appointed. When such work is performed humbly, impersonally, with unselfed love, it results in growth in the understanding of God, our loving Father-Mother. This service increases our gratitude, enhances our spirituality, and encourages us to become more consecrated. Regardless of our vocation, our thoughts can be dedicated to the service of God. We can know that to serve Him means to be conscious of good in all the minutiae of daily activities.

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