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From the May 1938 issue of The Christian Science Journal

Christian Science brings authoritative impetus, through spiritual power, to the Christian solution of world problems. Granted that the teaching of peace and good will, as taught and lived by the Founder of Christianity, Christ Jesus, is the way of rescue from the warring elements of evil, Christian Science is of the greatest spiritual value to mankind, for it strengthens Christian precepts, supports Christian standards, proves Christian ethics to be workable as actual power in the adjustment of human affairs.

Much concerted action for good goes on in human thought. The combined good of the best thinking in the world is a progressive influence to be counted upon for good in all directions. Such thinking is, however, largely unprotected. Specious argument and darkening material influences claim to dim its clarity and limit its power, for the reason that the best of humanity, while hoping for good, fears evil, and so has little defense against the assaults of evil.

At this point Christian Science comes to the rescue of humanity; and the Christian Scientist can be of help. He brings to the world his growing knowledge that evil is unreal, and therefore is powerless. He contributes his increasing understanding that infinite divine authority, reflected in spiritual apprehension of the power of good, can be brought to bear upon evil beliefs to demonstrate their falsity.

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