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From the May 1938 issue of The Christian Science Journal

Say not, "I count for nought"—each counts for much.
The kindly word you speak—the Christly touch—
The simple love you live—earth needeth such.

Say not, "There is so little I can do."
Your prayer that goeth forth, unselfed and true,
Helps rouse a weary world to vision new.

Say not, "It counts for nought—my gift so small."
If borne in answer to the Father's call,
Your gift has its own place in Love's great all.

Each one is needed in God's vineyard here;
The good each may impart, God maketh clear—
God gives the increase, and it shall appear.

Say not, "I count for nought"—you count for much!
Ah! humble heart that serves—God needeth such.

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