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From the May 1938 issue of The Christian Science Journal

Christian Science reveals and demonstrates exact, eternal, unvarying Truth. It awakens in its students the perception of that which is real, the understanding of that which is true, the cognition of that which has actual existence. It is exact, undeviating Science, which, when practically applied, demonstrates divine facts or eternal verities. As these divine facts are recognized and understood, they necessarily displace in human consciousness human vagaries, false concepts, and erroneous beliefs springing from ignorance, fear, or superstition.

In order to understand what are true ideas or divine actualities, we must know the nature of the creator or source of those ideas. In Deuteronomy we read, "He is the Rock, his work is perfect: for all his ways are judgment: a God of truth and without iniquity, just and right is he." Since God is the only creator. His work is perfect; and since He is the author of that which is just and right, that which is imperfect, unjust, and unrighteous does not proceed from Him and is no part of His creation. Real ideas are ideas of Truth, and that which does not proceed from God, Truth, is only a false concept or erroneous belief. Anything which does not express Truth is not an idea, but a baseless falsity, without a creator or origin.

We also learn in Christian Science that God, the cause of all that is real and true, is infinite good. That which is real has its source in good, its foundation in good; it expresses good and shows forth the character of its creator, infinite good. Whatever is unlike good does not originate in good, has no basis in good, no entity, but exists only in mortal belief or false material consciousness. How clearly this great fact is set forth by Mary Baker Eddy in "Miscellaneous Writings," where she says (p. 22), "All true thoughts revolve in God's orbits: they come from God and return to Him,—and untruths belong not to His creation, therefore these are null and void." True knowing, then, is cognizing good, that alone which is real or actual. Any belief in evil or wrong, as real or actual, is only a dream, a state of false consciousness devoid of Truth or true ideas.

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