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From the May 1938 issue of The Christian Science Journal

Centuries ago, a multitude gathered together on a hillside heard the answer to the human longing for security, for freedom from anxiety and deliverance from every vexing human difficulty. Jesus gave a simple, direct, and sure way in these words: "Seek ye first the kingdom of God, and his righteousness; and all these things shall be added unto you." And because this remedy for human ills has been ignored, the cry goes out, How and where can we find a satisfying sense of security that will remove from us the fear, anxiety, and restlessness that go hand in hand with the uncertainty of mortal existence?

Security is not found in material things, but in a state of consciousness that is independent of materiality, organism, or social conditions. Continually, worthy efforts are being made to better human conditions, these efforts being based mostly on unselfish desire and humanitarian motives. While much credit is due such human agencies for the good that is being accomplished, yet without the true understanding of the Science of man, there will be restlessness and uncertainty, until the individual gains an understanding of his normal and unlimited supply as a son of God.

A temporary sense of comfort, wherein the strain of daily living is for a time and in a material way lessened, does not constitute a true and permanent sense of security. So, in order to find true security there must be the consciousness of an unlimited, unending source of good, in which man exists and has his being. The basis of this true and everlasting security is plainly indicated in Paul's statement referring to God: "Of him, and through him, and to him, are all things."

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