While visiting at the home of a relative in California, I went to her bookshelves to make a selection, and a copy of Science and Health by Mrs. Eddy caught my attention. I had just received a letter from a friend telling of her healing in Christian Science. This impressed me greatly, for I knew she had been reared in an orthodox church, as I had, and formerly was as prejudiced as I against what we thought were the teachings of Christian Science.
I took the book to a sheltered veranda and began to read. Hours passed and I reluctantly put the book aside, to return to it eagerly at the next opportunity. For several days most of my time was spent in this way. This book, with its astonishing statements, had suddenly assumed the most important place in my life. And during the sixteen years which have followed it has continued to be so regarded.
From the first day I started reading I was freed from a painful ailment for which I had been under treatment for some months. In fact, three different schools of medicine had been tried with no resultant relief for me, but instead much suffering. A nervous, unhappy state of mind accompanied this disorder, and it seemed impossible for me to enjoy any of the things which were planned for my entertainment. The relative referred to knew something of Christian Science and its healing power, and we discussed a visit to a practitioner for help in my case. However, my ready acceptance of the truth revealed to my consciousness by reading the textbook, brought about a complete healing in a few days without other aid.