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From the September 1938 issue of The Christian Science Journal

Those who fully recognize the value of the discovery of Christian Science cannot fail to see the equal importance of its founding. Both the discovery and the founding were achieved by Mary Baker Eddy, and through them, the healing ministrations of Truth are made possible today.

To be permanently practical, the truth must first be discerned through clear thinking, and then must be established in human thought by continued and convincing proof. Divine Science has always been true, being eternally established in the divine Mind. This was discerned by the Psalmist, for he declared: "For ever, O Lord, thy word is settled in heaven. Thy faithfulness is unto all generations: thou hast established the earth, and it abideth." This truth, in order that it might bless mankind, had to be established also on earth.

This was the purpose of the Saviour's mission, which he gloriously fulfilled. He brought to mankind the truth which is as eternal as God Himself, and exemplified it by precept and example. He proved the divine law to be always applicable in the overcoming of sin, disease, and death. Then upon this rock of Christ, Truth, he founded his church, and taught his disciples to do the works which he did. For about three centuries the early Christians followed the example of their great Master in healing the sick; but as materiality entered the church, the spiritual power to heal departed.

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