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From the September 1938 issue of The Christian Science Journal

During the seventy-two years just passed, humanity has had the great privilege of witnessing the establishment of a scientific discovery so revolutionary in its applications that it is destined eventually to transform the entire human consciousness, and so vast in its implications that it can be understood and appreciated only through immense spiritual growth. This discovery by Mary Baker Eddy of the Science of Mind, or Christian Science, as she named it, was the natural unfoldment and culmination of the successive divine intimations to human consciousness of those things which are wholly spiritual.

The line of light leading toward this great spiritual event is traceable throughout the Scriptures, and students of the Bible who, through the centuries, have thought on these things have been more or less expectant of the coming of "the Spirit of truth," or Comforter, as promised by the Master in the latter days of his ministry when he was expounding the immortality of his revelation of the relationship of God and man as that of Father and son.

In her autobiography, "Retrospection and Introspection," Mrs. Eddy has told of the long years of eager prayer, the search of the Scriptures, and experiments which preceded her discovery, and of the healing that came to her in that experience of spiritual illumination, when she glimpsed the Science underlying Jesus' teachings and works. Her discovery, her further research, and her exposition of what had been revealed to her waiting thought, her struggles and victories and healings, and the establishing of her church and all its activities are today familiar to well-informed persons throughout the world. And multitudes who have felt the healing and regenerating power of her teachings are praising God for His revelation to her, and are deeply grateful for her labors to give the truth to mankind. The greatest privilege and the greatest need before humanity today are that men everywhere shall come to understand the truth that Mrs. Eddy discovered, and learn how they may make use of this divine revelation to her in their own human experience.

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