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From the January 1939 issue of The Christian Science Journal

SPIRITUAL sense is ever expectant of unfolding good, but material sense often reverses this right expectancy and persistently looks forward to a continuation of illness or depression, or whatever error has seemingly entrenched itself in human consciousness. Earnest students of Christian Science who have consistently adhered to its teachings over a period of years have as a rule had many proofs of the Christ-healing. Some of these healings have been quickly accomplished, while others may have required patient and persistent work.

Whether the student is treating himself or another, it is when the necessity for treatment is prolonged that one's spiritual ability to expect nothing but good is tested. In working metaphysically for one who has had many treatments either from himself or from other Christian Scientists, it seems difficult at times to arouse a clear expectation in the patient's thought that this particular treatment which he is to receive has the power to effect the complete healing. The fact that he has asked for it implies that he hopes for some relief; but if he endeavors to make plans for future work, it indicates that to him complete healing has become something to look for in the future rather than present expectation.

Perhaps one seeking help has come to think of a recurrence of certain physical difficulties as a part of the routine of his life. Many such phases of the belief in illness have yielded immediately to Christian Science treatment, but when they do not, the way of healing lies in increased and renewed expectancy of good. To aid us in attaining this end many beautiful vistas of Truth await our discovery. The parables which Jesus used as a means of conveying some of his deepest spiritual instruction are endless sources of refreshment. Sometimes, as one comes to know more of the Oriental customs and habits of the people of Jesus' day, new aspects of the healing truth contained in these parables may unfold. During those last days in Jerusalem preceding the crucifixion Jesus gave his chosen comrades many instructions.

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