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From the January 1939 issue of The Christian Science Journal

HAVING gained some spiritual understanding of man's eternal oneness with God, the student of Christian Science turns unreservedly to Him for help in all emergencies. He looks away from the mortal evidence of pain, poverty, crime, accident, destruction, contagion, or death to the truth of being, and sees fulfilled the promise found in the book of Isaiah, "When the enemy shall come in like a flood, the Spirit of the Lord shall lift up a standard against him." Firm in his understanding, he knows "the Spirit of the Lord," the Christ, Truth, to be ever present, all-powerful, and instantly available to the meek in heart. Because he knows this, his thought is filled with gratitude and inspiration, instead of doubt and fear, and liberation is thus assured.

Christian Scientists today lift their thoughts to Truth to overcome the seeming effects of the belief in mortality. Through spiritual understanding, they are proving the protecting presence and wisdom of God. Mary Baker Eddy writes (Science and Health with Key to the Scriptures, p. 259), "The Christlike understanding of scientific being and divine healing includes a perfect Principle and idea,—perfect God and perfect man, —as the basis of thought and demonstration". Looking to the unchanging, perfect God, perfect Love, they behold perfect man, the image and likeness of Love, in whom is no discord, disease, lack, decay, decrepitude, or tendency to sin. This perfect reflection of God is coexistent with Principle, unfallen, upright, steadfast, sinless, immortal, and safe. This is the only real man.

A young student of Christian Science was once suddenly confronted with the alarming effects of an automobile accident, in which her six-year-old daughter was seriously hurt, while she herself was protected. Gratitude was immediately expressed for the protection, which was very obvious, and then the student lifted her thought to the truth of being, declaring that since God is perfect, His child, His reflection, is perfect, and nothing can interrupt this perfection of reflection, nor separate His child from Him. In that moment the student became calm. She turned for further inspiration to Science and Health. The child was obedient and quiet and repeated some statements of truth. A Christian Science practitioner was called to aid in the work, and two days later the little girl was in school, disproving all predictions of the doctors who examined her at a hospital. The instantaneous declaration of the truth, as understood in Christian Science, dispelled confusion and fear, and undoubtedly prevented dire effects.

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