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From the January 1939 issue of The Christian Science Journal

QUITE aptly can it be said of those who have embraced Christian Science wholeheartedly, "The people that walked in darkness have seen a great light."

The inspired writings of Mary Baker Eddy are bringing to light the spiritual and life-giving meaning of the Bible, so that today many are exclaiming with the apostle, "Our sufficiency is of God; who also hath made us able ministers of the new testament; not of the letter, but of the spirit." The fog of materialism is receding before the facts of true being which Christian Science reveals. Right reasoning is superseding scholastic and superstitious religious misconceptions. Traditional beliefs and dogma are yielding to demonstrable, spiritualized thinking, whereby God's will is done in earth as in heaven. Speculative theories pertaining to salvation and its ultimate— heaven—are surrendering to Christianly scientific conclusions.

Theoretically, Christian religionists have been agreed that there is one God; that heaven is the kingdom of God; that this kingdom is wherever God is, and that to know God aright "is life eternal." But a vague concept of God has resulted in a vague concept of heaven and the manner of its attainment. Christian Science disposes of this vagueness. With its clear presentation of God as ever-present Life, Truth, Love, as Principle, Mind, Spirit, Soul, it destroys the false concept entertained by many that heaven, the kingdom of God, is a locality in some far-off nebulous region to which, in some mysterious manner, mortals with all their material frailties are transported by death.

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