My praises ring out for Christian Science. What I have of peace, hope, health, courage, and joy I owe to the understanding of God which I have gained from the study of this Science.
A friend of our family presented this religion to me ten years ago when I had been confined to bed for several weeks with a nervous condition which no doctor was able to heal. A Christian Science practitioner was called; and on the third day that he came to see me I was able to dress, walk downstairs, and take dinner with my family. I was told that God is my strength, and that His arms are always about me, helping me; and just as He is able to hold the stars in their courses, so is He able and willing to sustain me. I kept declaring these truths over and over as I went about the house. Thus I learned my first big lesson in courage and in holding "thought steadfastly to the enduring, the good, and the true" (Science and Health by Mrs. Eddy, p. 261). In less than two months I was able to continue my school studies; and there has followed a gradual unfoldment of health and happiness. I have spent less than one day in bed since my first healing.
I am very grateful that Christian Science enables us to overcome faults of disposition and that it teaches us what perfection is and how to attain it. A great sense of growth has come to me through the experience of class instruction, for which I am boundlessly grateful. "Thanks be unto God for his unspeakable gift," Christian Science!—Baltimore, Maryland.