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From the December 1939 issue of The Christian Science Journal

DIVINE control is felt and experienced by men through the exalting influence of spiritual understanding. Truth, or God, governs through spiritual law, which destroys erroneous beliefs and lights the way to health, harmony, and freedom. "Perfect love casteth out fear" through the accession of the love which reflects God. When Jacob struggled alone at Peniel, the angel messenger came to him and strengthened him, and when he tenaciously held to the perfect concept, his nature was transformed. As Jesus stood fast in the face of temptation, angels, true ideas of God, ministered unto him.

In this age, through her dire need and long search for the true concept of God, there was revealed to Mary Baker Eddy the Christ-idea of healing sin and sickness. It was the light of spiritual reality dawning in the consciousness of one who was turning away from material sense. Her immediate realization of health, together with the gradual unfoldment of the spiritual laws of being, brought forth the revelation of Christian Science, which demonstrates God's control over all. In her textbook, "Science and Health with Key to the Scriptures" (p. 259) she states, "Immortal ideas, pure, perfect, and enduring, are transmitted by the divine Mind through divine Science, which corrects error with truth and demands spiritual thoughts, divine concepts, to the end that they may produce harmonious results."

Christian Science reveals to mankind the true concept of God as infinite Mind, and of man as His idea, or perfect expression. It reveals that God is Spirit, Life, Truth, and Love; and that He governs His creation, man and the universe, through spiritual law or divine will. The real man has no mind of his own apart from God; he has no life apart from Life, God, and he knows no will but God's will. He is completely and perfectly governed by divine Principle, Love. Man must consequently be whole, pure, intelligent, spiritual, loving, and unlimited, constantly expressing the harmony of divine control.

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