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From the December 1939 issue of The Christian Science Journal

WHEN first contemplating God as Principle, the student of Christian Science may be inclined to regard this synonym for Deity as cold, if not forbidding.

The word "principle" is defined by a dictionary as "the beginning, foundation, source, or origin, of all real things." Thus, when Principle is recognized, as in Christian Science, to be the cause or creator of all reality, it is understood also as being synonymous with infinite Love. God. divine Principle, who declared His creation to be "very good," cannot possibly be cold or loveless. With this unfoldment of truth in one's consciousness, joyful satisfaction is experienced, for creation is seen to be based upon perfect Principle.

Principle is the source of divine law, the law which governs the spiritual and only universe. Through the operation of this law, the ideas of Principle, including man, are at all times secure, being unchanging in their perfection. Thus is understood the eternality of true creation.

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