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From the December 1939 issue of The Christian Science Journal

THROUGHOUT the world today men are spending much thought, inventive ingenuity, time, and money to ensure safety. Safety devices, safety laws, safety zones, safety insurance, and safety guards engross thought and attention. Yet the sense of insecurity prevails in many hearts, and the thought is often expressed, "Nothing seems safe any more."

Does not this condition exist because mankind is looking in the wrong direction—to matter and material so-called laws, instead of to God and His spiritual laws, which maintain man and the universe in perfect safety? Christian Science shows the way to secure safety. This Science of Christianity, which restates Jesus' teachings, has been given to the world by Mary Baker Eddy. It teaches, in accordance with the first chapter of Genesis, that man is made in the image and likeness of God, Spirit, and hence is spiritual. His image or reflection knows nothing of untoward conditions or circumstances. An image in a mirror can of itself do nothing to weaken, abuse, depreciate or harm itself. It manifests only what its original embodies, and this unchanging relationship is maintained. So man, as God's image or expression, is safe in God's spiritual kingdom.

One unacquainted with Mrs. Eddy's teachings may ask, "How does this spiritual fact benefit mankind in the daily material conditions?" The answer is that material conditions are unreal; they are expressions of mortal mind, "the carnal mind," which, Paul says, "is enmity against God." Any individual who recognizes and persistently maintains the facts of spiritual creation, and rules out of his thought the testimony of material sense, can bring harmony into his experience.

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