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From the December 1939 issue of The Christian Science Journal

CHRISTIAN SCIENCE stands for the promotion of peace. The authority for this statement is found in the Manual of The Mother Church by Mary Baker Eddy (Art. VIII, Sect. 16), where it is written, "It shall be the duty of the members of The Mother Church and of its branches to promote peace on earth and good will toward men."

The whole world longs for peace, and this longing will be satisfied, because the advent of Christian Science has brought into the world a new spiritual awakening. Throughout human history, mankind has prayed for peace; sacrificed, bartered, and fought for it; but on the whole has only partially won it, because the effort has been made from a false basis. Mortals are always trying to reach a spiritual goal through material methods. We cannot attain peace by going to war. We must correct our endeavor, and overcome war with peace. This can be accomplished only through right thinking, by replacing willful human impulse with spiritual understanding, and by abiding steadfastly in the mental realm of peaceful reality.

The dictionary defines "peace" as a state of consciousness, such as "freedom from disturbance, calm, harmony between persons and nations, tranquility of mind or conscience." Peace comes to the human consciousness through accepting the spiritual fact of God's allness, through knowing His infinite presence and the power of divine Love. Jesus defined peace as a mental state of freedom from fear when he said: "Peace I leave with you. my peace I give unto you. . . . Let not your heart be troubled, neither let it be afraid." We find, therefore, that to the faithful student of Christian Science, the Science of spiritual thinking, as based on the teachings of the Master, is an effective peacemaker and the present hope of the world.

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