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From the June 1940 issue of The Christian Science Journal

In a time when we are supposed to be living in a weary, sinful world, a world where much is wrong, it is heartening to remember the promise of God to Noah after the abating of the waters, "I do set my bow in the cloud, and . . . the bow shall be seen in the cloud." Surely this promise points to the great fact, demonstrable in all ages, that "the Lord God omnipotent reigneth."

No one denies that today the clouds of war, fear, destruction, disintegration, and doubt are heavy. And they appear very real and terrifying to those who do not understand the true nature of God and man. But Christian Scientists will not be mesmerized by the claims of evil, however aggressive, for they know that God governs perfectly all that really exists. Moreover, they are learning how to prove in present experience that Truth is supreme. The Father has not surrendered His dominion; and they cannot be made to believe that evil ever produces good or that error must run its course. Error is unreal, with no cause to uphold it and no real course to run; it is ignorance, and is overcome by understanding.

The covenant made with Noah is made anew daily with each one who seeks safety in the "ark," defined in part by Mary Baker Eddy as "the understanding of Spirit, destroying belief in matter," and as "Science showing that the spiritual realities of all things are created by Him and exist forever" (Science and Health with Key to the Scriptures, p. 581). He who sacrifices material beliefs on the altar of spiritual progress cleanses his thoughts as by fire, and there rises the "sweet savour" of consecration. This purification of sense lifts one above the discords of human experience, enabling him to gain the recognition of perfect God and perfect man as coexistent and eternal.

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