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From the June 1940 issue of The Christian Science Journal

Christian Science is turning humanity from the false concept of God as a magnified human personality to the true understanding of Him as divine Principle. This correct concept of Deity is transforming the worship of countless individuals, and is revealing the way whereby Christianity becomes a living and practical Science.

Creative Principle, as revealed through Christian Science, is not a cold, blind, mindless force. It is infinite Love, living, tender, conscious, divine intelligence. The laws through which it acts eternally, and which produce good alone, are loving and harmonious. Divine Principle, Love, is the one infinite individuality, Soul, Spirit, Mind. The spiritual creation is the expression of Mind, God, who exists for His own glory.

Christian Science brings to light, through practical demonstration, the unity which exists between divine Principle and its manifestation, spiritual man. Mrs. Eddy in her Message to The Mother Church for 1902 (p. 8) has said, "When loving, we learn that 'God is Love;'" and she adds, "Scientific Christianity works out the rule of spiritual love; it makes man active, it prompts perpetual goodness, for the ego, or I, goes to the Father, whereby man is Godlike."

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